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Showing posts from August, 2017

Brief Setup on Ubuntu UFW

As security is elusive ever since mankind invented encryption methods. It is important to set some form of wall to keep some marauding data thieves out of the walled 'data' garden. The old timeless saying of 'better late than never' rings true in this context. A firewall is a basic protection for personal consumers since the late 1990s when internet usage becomes prevalent. In Ubuntu 16.04, the firewall typically consists of UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). There is a graphical front-end but if you prefer to use commandline or your computer is in need of more computing resource, the UFW is your preferred choice. This brief is on setting up Ubuntu UFW using the gnome console or terminal using relatively simple rules (in comparison to setting up the Linux Firewall using iptables). As an average user, we need to open certain ports to access the internet. Without a firewall, the 'attack surface' (as security commentators commonly use it to label the 'connec

Encrypted Storage: Create Encrypted File Container Ubuntu 16.04LTS

Luks-formatted file container on your harddrive or cloud storage solutions In the year 2017, a lot of security issues surfaces, and ransomware are lurking in the cyberspace preying on the next victim. Be it the oft-quoted 'vulnerable operating system' like Windows, or other 'more secure' platforms like Linux kernel driven operating system or Macintosh operating system, once you are in the cloud, you are equally vulnerable. Hence, we can take one small step in securing our data online. I have read this article on a security blog written by Nick Thomadakis from Cybrary, a education provider for IT security. You can read on this website . Just be aware that you need to register to view the content or you can use chrome extension, ScriptSafe, to turn off the script giving the website to your browser. Let's begin with the first approach (a casual approach to creating the file container) : 1st step:  let's search for the module dm_crypt  (to kno